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General, random, and philanthropy Slack channels

The Slack “philanthropy” channel is for opportunities to support individuals or groups, or to make the world a better place.  For example, it’s for military care packages, Girl Scout cookies, and various similar announcements.  It’s up to you to opt in to this channel.

The “general” channel on Slack is for items of general interest that directly relate to the business of University Marketing & Communications.  (The Outlook group list “CFU-PAFFAIRS” is also for that purpose.)  It is recommended that everyone in MarComm follow the “general” channel.

For fun: visit the “random” Slack channel for non-business-related observations, videos of interest, weird phenomena, jokes, political notes, etc.  It’s up to you to opt in or opt out.

The administrators for MarComm’s Slack tool are Galen and Jeff.  If you have questions or requests about Slack, or if you encounter problems using it, please contact Galen or Jeff.