Karen Daubert

Assistant Vice Chancellor, Administration and Strategic Partnerships

My work at Public Affairs, on the Fair Labor Association Board of Directors, and on literary criticism concentrates on collaborative systems and social sustainability. I am intrigued by the ways in which transparency mechanisms and conflict resolution mechanisms create vital environments.

On behalf of the university, I serve on the board of directors of the Fair Labor Association (FLA), a multi-stakeholder organization that brings civil society, higher education, and business together to improve global labor conditions. I chair the Monitoring Committee, and serve on the Communications Committee.

I am the author of “’Free-lance modernists’ at work, together: The early textual dialogue of Robert Graves and Laura Riding,” in The Art of Collaboration: Essays on Robert Graves and his Contemporaries, ed. Dunstan Ward. My essay, “Reflexive Authorship in Bettina Brentano-von Arnim’s Die Günderode: Narrative Disunity, Hölderlin, and Günderrode” is one of 14 that make up a book manuscript being reviewed by Bloomsbury for its New Directions in German Studies series.

The eccentric biodiversity of my garden keeps me in balance, so that I can go for walks, camp, and practice yoga.